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Thinking of moving to the US? What to consider from a tax perspective

Welcome to a webinar about the US tax legislation together with SACC SF/SV, SACC NE and Linus Östberg from OSTBERG SINCLAIR & CO.

SACC San Francisco/Silicon Valley and SACC New England are excited to co-host a webinar together with Linus Östberg, Partner at OSTBERG SINCLAIR & CO.

Thinking of moving to the US? What to consider from a tax perspective.
Moving to the US can be an exciting yet daunting event. In the tax realm it's imperative to understand that tax operates very differently in the US compared to Sweden. The US may tax the income and gains within certain wrappers at ordinary income rates or worse, e.g. Swedish funds (fonder) held in an ISK. There are cumbersome reporting requirements for non-US financial assets. That said, the US as the world's largest economy is naturally an attractive location for any business and individual, and can be very financially rewarding.

There will be a Q&A at the end of this session.
This webinar will take place on Zoom. A link will be sent to attendees closer to the event.

The tickets are free of charge!